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Polityka prywatności

SEKA S.A. | Dostarczamy uzupełniające się usługi w zakresie obowiązkowych zadań firm, w każdym mieście Polski.
Zaznacz stronę

Occupational health and safety periodic training for employees referred to in § 14.2 point 6 of the Regulation on training in the field of OHS


The purpose of the training is to update and supplement knowledge and skills in particular in the field of:
a) assessment of hazards related to the work performed,
b) methods of protection against threats to the health and safety of employees,
c) shaping working conditions in a manner consistent with the provisions and principles of occupational health and safety,

d) proceedings in the event of an accident and emergency situations.


The training is dedicated for administrative and office employees, including those working with VDU 
(visual display unit), as well as employees hired in healthcare facilities, schools and other educational
establishments, scientific research units and other employees whose character of work involves exposure
to factors harmful to health, onerous or dangerous or with responsibility in the field of occupational
health and safety.



Acquaintance with the latest labor law regulations, knowledge about safe behavior while using equipment in the office. Getting to know the principles of ergonomics, regulations on behavior in the event of fire and the organization of first aid assistance.



  • selected legal regulations in the field of labor law regarding health and safety at work;
  • progress in assessing the threats of factors occurring in work processes and in the field of methods of protection against threats to the health and life of employees;
  • problems related to the organization of office workstations, including ergonomics, workstations with screen monitors and other office equipment;
  • dealing with accidents and emergency situations (e.g. fire, breakdown), including first aid in case of an accident.

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